LADIES – Thanks for visiting! These are some serious bonuses. First off, 5 audio recordings of exercises from the book. I selected these because they work even better with your eyes closed, and you can’t read with your eyes closed, so it’s nice to have an audio recording!
- Exercise 2: Your highest vision of yourself
- Exercise 4: Embodying the goddess
- Exercise 10: Accept and appreciate your body
- Exercise 17: Cultivate your sensuality
- The Galaxy Consciousness Meditation, designed to send your mind into the outer cosmos (seriously :)
In addition, I’m including an audio recording of my most recent 90min workshop. It’s called “The 5 Magic Questions: What 5000 Women’s Letters Reveal About Love & Dating.” It’s a summary of the wisdom from all the readers’ letters I’ve received in the past 11 years, updating the contents of the book with my latest thinking. This is the kind of workshop that can save you years of therapy :)
When you enter your name and email below, you’ll get a confirmation email asking you to subscribe to my newsletter and get the bonuses (my newsletters are infrequent, FYI, and you can unsubscribe at will). After you click on the “confirm” link in your email, you’ll get an instant prompt to download the 76Mb zip file containing all the goods. Enjoy, and thanks for playing big!
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