Just wanted all the ladies (and curious men) out there know that the Tao of Dating Experiment for Women has officially kicked off.
One of my friends here in Los Angeles volunteered (completely unbidden) to test out the principles in the book and to document, via blog, how it affects her life in the dating realm and beyond. She is a professional in her early thirties, successful, smart, quite attractive and single — in other words, precisely the kind of person The Tao of Dating is intended for.
I just handed her the text and audiobook, so the experiment begins right about now. One of the ground rules is that I am not to give her too much extra coaching other than that which she receives through the blog and the email coaching that comes as part of the course.
She’s fiercely independent and brutally honest, so I didn’t have to ask for an extra dose of that. She’s doing this completely anonymously (except for me and a couple of close friends), which has made for some frank discussion so far.
If the whole thing comes out pear-shaped, it’ll be here for the whole world to witness. Oh joy. The good news is that you’re bound to learn a lot about the Tao of Dating course through her writings and my comments. Join us for the adventure as Phoenix (her pen name) learns to fly again.