LADIES — We had Session 1 of Project Irresistible last night, and it was full of powerful information to kickstart your love life and more. There were two stories, 3 readings from Eastern wisdom, 4 mind-expanding exercises and one killer guided meditation to get you in the mood for transformation and reaching your highest, best self.
Before you download and listen to the first session, I want to share a funny story with you. It turns out that there was a married woman on the preview class the day before. Now, a single woman I can understand. But why would a married woman choose to attend a class on dating? It made no sense! So she explained (note: here is your chance to hear me dumbfounded — I’m told it doesn’t happen nearly enough). Click on the link to hear the 90sec mp3 of what happened:
Pretty unbelievable stuff. And apparently true.
Anyway, I’ve always made the first session available to the public so you can get a feel for what the course is about, so here it is. Right click on the link to download it, or click to listen to it in your browser:
Project Irresistible 2014 Session 1 (25Mb, 73min)
Or, newfangled technology! If you’re on a phone or mobile device or away from your computer somehow, you can dial in and listen to the class. That’s right! Call +1 218 844 3182 and use access code 89633016, and it’ll be just like you’re on the live call.
The price for the class goes up to $297 from $247 tonight at midnight. You can enroll for the class through Sunday, November 10. After that, the class is only available to registered students. Look forward to catching up with many of you in the class!