Category: Audio

  • How to Be Irresistible: Recording of Talk from 5 Feb 2013

    Ladies –

    As promised, I recorded the workshop I gave on 5 Feb in San Francisco. I recorded it 3 separate ways, and 2 of them experienced technical failure. The following is the backup recording of the whole workshop, all 100 minutes. It’s not edited, because I just switched to a Mac from a PC and don’t know how to twiddle with stuff yet, so feel free to fast forward through the slow spots. Some topics I cover:

    • Loving-Kindness Meditation (metta) and the importance of self-love
    • The problem of desire and wanting stuff, and why it’s a Catch-22 — unless you do this one thing
    • The physiology of love and how you can create it on demand, according to the new book Love 2.0 by Barbara Fredrickson
    • And 30min of provocative Q&A
    [audio:|titles=How to Be Irresistible: Love & Dating for Smart Women]

    How to Be Irresistible: Love & Dating for Smart Women (right-click to download – 40 Mb mp3)

    The following are two downloadable mp3s starting at the 50min mark of the talk — right about when I cover the topic of how to be irresistible. The first one is all lecture; the second is all Q&A.


    BeIrresistible_DrAliBinazir_pt1 (right-click to download)


    BeIrresistible_DrAliBinazir_pt2 (right-click to download)

    Hope you find these useful, and feel free to send them on to friends if you feel they would benefit. Give me your feedback in the comments section so I know what works for you.

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  • The Prospective Spouse Checklist: Interview with Isabelle Fox, PhD

    As I understand it, many of you have been married or have considered marriage or come pretty darn close to it.

    Now, with the divorce rate above 50%, it seems like marriage in this country has, at best, a coin flip’s chance at success. That’s just not right in my book.

    And with the very public blowup of celebrity marriages, sometimes you have to think: what the hell were they thinking when they got married? Surely they should’ve known better.  (Read: Katy Perry, Sandra Bullock, the poor sap who married that Kardashian woman, and the procession of simpletons who keep marrying Charlie Sheen).

    In fact, a little secret: I wrote the Tao of Dating books because I saw my friends in crappy relationships (married or not), and I thought they deserved better.

    Now I’m your guy when it comes to dating.  For long-term relationships, on the other hand, I send you to the experts like Dr John Gottman — and Dr Isabelle Fox.

    My friend and colleague Isabelle has been a practicing clinical psychologist for over 30 years. She just published a book entitled (more…)

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  • The Art of Female Orgasm: Tue 21 June teleseminar with Nicole Daedone

    One of the remarkable people I met at the recent TEDx San Francisco was Nicole Daedone, who told me she was the founder of OneTaste.  I wondered: Is OneTaste a Buddhist organization?  Perhaps a new restaurant, with just one item on the menu?

    Well, sort of.  Nicole teaches orgasm meditation (OM), more infamously known as the 15-minute orgasm.  I realized I had already heard of her through Tim Ferriss’s latest book, The Four Hour Body, in which he declares that Nicole’s teachings “should be required learning for all men.”

    It should also be required learning for all women, especially those who are not having enough orgasms.  That’s pretty much all women. I mean, who can argue with more orgasms?  Exactly.

    Depending on how you approach Nicole’s work, you may find it revolutionary, subversive, kinky, spiritual, life-changing or just plain necessary.  Which is why I’d like you to listen to Nicole and decide for yourself.  Her book is Slow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasm. She’s doing a mini-seminar for you guys free of charge, so write this down in your calendar:

    • Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2011
    • Time: 5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern, 1am London
    • Call-in number: +1 218 862 1300, code 667202
    • Duration: 45min + 15min Q&A

    If you’re a woman, you obviously want to listen to this.  And if you’re a guy and interested in making women happy, you’ll want to listen to this, too.

    Nicole has taught hundreds of men and women, so she’s gleaned deep insights about male-female dynamics.  In fact, my favorite parts of the book are Chapter 6, ‘What Men Should Know About Women’ and Chapter 7, ‘What Women Should Know About Men’ — ten dead-on insights for each one.  I’ll endeavor to share some of those with you over the next week, and I want you to ask her about them during the call.

    Then & there,


    PS: The interview was fantastic!  Here’s the download link for your listening pleasure: Recording of interview with Nicole Daedone on the Art & Craft of Female Orgasm (15Mb)

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    Categories: Audio Sexuality