Recording of “Compelling People” interview with John Neffinger

Below is an MP3 recording of the interview I did with John Neffinger, co-author of Compelling People: The Hidden Qualities That Make Us Influential. Now I’ve known John for a while, so I was able to extract some top tips from his book for your delectation and enrichment. Also, John was kind enough to answer questions for 30 extra minutes, which means this interview is 90 minutes of information-packed usefulness. Some of what we covered:

  • The tug-of-war between how warm we appear and how much strength we project, and how to balance the two
  • Tips for nailing a job interview
  • How warmth and strength figured in the fall and rise of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Presidential campaign
  • The secret of the powerful smile which projects warmth without diminishing strength
  • The special challenges that race and gender present that make projecting strength tricky
  • Exercises to improve the way you present yourself right now

Download JohnNeffinger_CompellingPeople1013, stick it on your iPhone or iPod or Android gizmo, and listen to it on your daily drive. Or listen to it using the media player here: 

5 Comments on “Recording of “Compelling People” interview with John Neffinger”

  1. Rachèl Carriere

    I am re-reading your amazing book, The Tao of Dating for Women. I have just join via email.

    In your book, you speak about online dating. Quick question: what are you thoughts on agencies who personally meet with you, go over your profile (your wants, your needs…) and then match you with someone they have personally met and have investigated for legitimacy purposes.

    Thank you, Rachèl

  2. Nan

    Great info! How would you apply this to flirting/dating for women? Especially for women who are smart and confident and tallish? I am 46 and 5’8″. People tell me I have a very warm smile and warm hug, yet I tend to freeze around men and talk more intellectually/nervously and am trying to switch this to more warmth and yet still be myself as a smart lady. Thanks!

  3. Amanda

    Hi, not sure if my computer is showing all of the links correctly but there is nothing for me to click on after the words “Or listen to it using the media player here” and when I go through to the download link I go in a circle back to the same page!

    I would love to listen to this interview as I bought the book on your advice and really really enjoyed it.

    sincere thanks from technologically challenged!

    1. Ali Binazir MD MPhil Post author

      Thanks for the feedback! It’s a quirk of the blog software that does that. If you click on the link, it will take you to another page with the file that says “CLICK HERE.” That’s your file! Best, AB