On pain and how to handle it
On the morning of Saturday, March 15, I woke up to shooting and stabbing pain down the right side of my neck, upper back and right arm. The pain encircled my ribs and was literally breathtaking. I figured I must have slept with my neck in a funny position and […]
Categories: breakups Happiness Managing your state Personal Development Relationships Self-love spirit
Tags: Al Chan, bodily pain, compassion, dealing with a breakup, Eckhart Tolle, empathy, gratitude, how to handle breakup pain, how to handle pain, Kitchen Table Wisdom, Pema Chodron, post-traumatic growth, presence, psychic pain, Rachel Naomi Remen, somatic pain, surrender, taming the mind, The Island Where People Forget to Die, The Power of Now, tonglen, what is love