How to Get Over a Breakup: Professional Edition
I had a breakup recently. It sucked royally. Except that it wasn’t even a breakup. The woman just stopped returning my communications. Calls unanswered. Voicemails not returned. Texts unacknowledged. Emails languishing in a mailbox, gathering e-dust. Hell, I even wrote her a handwritten letter. Four pages long! Hadn’t done that in […]
Categories: breakups Compassion Dating after divorce Dating for Men Dating for Women Getting over a relationship Happiness How to get over a guy Managing your state Meditation Personal Development Relationships self-help
Tags: benefits of travel, compassion meditation, depression, ego injury, EMDR, ghosting, how to get over a breakup, how to meditate, how to reduce social rejection pain, loving-kindness meditation, metta, mindfulness, mindfulness meditation, neurolinguistic programming, rumination, social rejection, upside of breakups, why breakups are good for you, why ghosting is evil